Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fort Clatsop & Tillamook

 A replica of Fort Clatsop is just South of Astoria.  This was the end of Lewis & Clark's 4000 mile trip.  Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis & Clark West to explore and map the river route.  Their maps ended up only being 40 miles off from the actual measurements.  They built and occupied this small fort just one winter before returning East.
 A park ranger brought this amazing Newfoundland into the visitor center at Fort Clatsop.  Lewis & Clark had a Newfoundland on their trip.
 A replica of one of the boats they used.   They bartered with Indians for boats or made their own.
 Tillamook Cheese & Ice Cream factory.   This block of cheese is called a "forty" because it weighs approx. 40 lbs.  It's wrapped & boxed then sent to a warehouse to age for several months before it is cut and packaged for retail.

 A Canadian moved to Tillamook in the early 1900's and started this world famous cheese plant.  They are extremely careful about the milk that is produced feeding the cows a very precise and rich diet.  1.7 million lbs of milk is brought to the plant every day.

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