Saturday, July 27, 2013

Yellowstone 2nd Day

The last time I was in Yellowstone was about 60 years ago when I traveled here with my Mom & Dad & sister.  Things that have changed?  Old Faithful in still faithfully erupting every 90 minutes.  The geysers are still bubbling.  The bison are more plentiful (approx. 3600).  Wolves are new in the last 20 years.  Did not see any wolves in the park, but did see some in captivity.  We did not see any bear either, but they hide out in the upper elevations when it's warm.  We did see some very large herds of elk and antelope.  Old Faithful Inn built in 1904 is still as gorgeous as it was 60 years ago.  The biggest change is the number of tourists.  Roads are clogged during the middle of the day.  You have to get up early to get into the Park before the long lines or wait until middle of the afternoon to start.  It's still the most remarkable landscape in the US.  Aren't we lucky that our government created so many National Parks and kept them out of the hands of private enterprises.  We have Teddy Roosevelt to thank for a lot of our parks.
View of Old Faithful from the Visitor Center.

I took about 50 pictures of Old Faithful erupting.  Some of the water that seeps down into these geysers could be several 1000 years old.

Old Faithful Inn has 140 rooms which are all sold out during the peak summer season.

Excelsior Geyser ceased to erupt after 1890, but suddenly came to life again in 1985 erupting for 47 hours straight.  Has not erupted since, and they cannot predict when it might again.

This looks like an expensive hat someone lost  in the wind.  This is very hot acidic pool of liquid. 
Near Excelsior Geyser on the lower look.

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