Saturday, August 17, 2013

Columbia River Gorge

 MaryHill Winery named the top winery in the US in 2009.  Sits  in Washington along the Columbia River near our campground.  A few bottles were consumed by our group here.
 Bonneville Dam built back in the 1930's with FDR's approval.   It put 3000 people back to work during the depression.  Picture shows the turbines inside the power plant.
 Herman the sturgeon has a home at the Fish Hatchery near the dam.  He's 74 years old.  He lives in a beautiful pond that he shares with other sturgeons.

 Our caravan group took a Stearnwheeler boat tour down the Columbia and through the locks at Bonneville dam.


 Passed an international taser sailboat race during our boat ride.

 Mount Hood in Oregon.  We went to the top of Larch Mountain which had a 360 degree view of Washington and Oregon.  On a good day you can see 6 major mountains including Mt. Ranier and Mr. St. Helens.  We did not have a good day, so could only see Mt. Hood, but it was beautiful.

 Multnomah Falls is the number one tourist destination in Oregon.  We made it up the 1/4 mile to the bridge, but did not make the additional mile up to the top.

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